Advanced nations are headed for a new era of bigger government, with government expenditure set to increase enormously over the next three decades. Health spending will be driven irresistibly upward by the costs of precision medicine and other new technologies, and by the need to repair weaknesses highlighted by the coronavirus pandemic. Governments will also be compelled to spend big on fighting global warming, fixing ailing infrastructure and providing adequate aged care for a rapidly graying population. The combined effect of these and other spending pressures threatens to drive budget deficits and government debt through the roof. more about the book
"This deeply-researched and brilliantly-argued book is an honest, clear-minded assessment of the fiscal future that awaits advanced countries... Robinson's mastery of program details and socioeconomic trends makes this study essential reading for national leaders and public finance specialists."
- Allen Schick, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and Professor Emeritus, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland. more reviews
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