Publications on Public Financial Management
- "Radically Reshaping PFM? A Review of 'Advice, Money, Results'", in Public Money & Management, 2025(1). More detailed working paper version publically accessible here.
- "Public Finances after the Covid-19 Pandemic", OECD Journal on Budgeting, 2022(3) (Commissioned by OECD and presented to OECD Senior Budget Officials meeting, Oslo, July 2022.)
- "The Role of Evaluation in Spending Review", The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 2018, 32(3)
- “Budget Reform Before and After the Global Financial Crisis”, OECD Journal on Budgeting, 2016(1). (Commissioned by OECD and presented to OECD Senior Budget Officials meeting, Rome, June 2015.)
- "The Coverage of Aggregate Expenditure Ceilings", OECD Journal on Budgeting, 2015(1).
- “Revisões de Despesas na OECD” [Spending Review in the OECD], chapter 4 of Avaliação da Qualidade do Gasto Público e Mensuração da Eficiência, ed. R Boueri, F Rocha and F Rodopoulos, Tesouro Nacional, Brasilia, 2015.
- Connecting Evaluation and Budgeting, World Bank, March 2014.
- "Spending Review", OECD Journal on Budgeting, 2013(2). (Commissioned by OECD and originally delivered at OECD Senior Budget Officials Annual Meeting, Paris, June 2013.
- “Aggregate Expenditure Ceilings and Allocative Flexibility”, OECD Journal on Budgeting 2012(3). Earlier version published in proceedings of Banca d'Italia Fiscal Policy Workshop, 2011.
- "Selected Budgeting Issues in Chile", with Ian Hawkesworth and Oscar Huerta Melchor, OECD Journal on Budgeting 2012(3).
- “The Treatment of Revaluations in Government Balance Sheets”, Accounting, Accountability and Performance, 7 (2), 2002.
- “Accrual Accounting and the Public Sector”, Economic Papers, 2001.
- “Market Testing vs Strategic Contracting”, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 1998.
- “Accrual Accounting and the Efficiency of the Core Public Sector”, Financial Accountability and Management, 14 (1), 1998.
- “Capital Charges and Capital Expenditure Decisions in Core Government”, Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, 10 (4), 1998.
- “Queensland Public Finance in the Nineties”, Economic Analysis and Policy, 1996.
- “Crisis and Response: State Financial Management in South Australia in the Nineties”, Accountability and Performance, December 1995.
- "The Financial Strategy of the Victorian Coalition Government", Australian Journal of Public Administration, 53(2), June 1994.